25 Februari 2010


Motivator terkenal Mario Teguh menuai kontroversi dari sejumlah pengguna twitter karena tweetnya. Walaupun begitu, banyak juga yang mendukung statement Pak Mario Teguh. Apa sih yang ditulis Pak Mario di twitter sehingga begitu menghebohkan? Ce ki dot…

Inilah pernyataan yang dimuat di twitter Pak Mario Teguh (http://twitter.com/MarioTeguhMTGW) :

# MTOF 4 : Kita tidak akan bisa menyelesaikan kekhawatiran yang tidak kita ketahui namanya. Apakah nama dari kekhawatiran Anda?

# MTOF 5 : Orang yang untuk mandi saja butuh disemangati tidak pantas untuk penyemangatan apapun.

16 Februari 2010


Bagi temen-temen yang ingin mengedit foto tidak salahnya untuk mencoba Photoscape versi 3,4. Ini merupakan photoscape versi terbaru. Tidak seperti Photoshop, Photoscape lebih mudah dan praktis walaupun tidak sedetail Photoshop. Apa saja keunggulan Photoscape 3,4? This is it :
Mengubah ukuran, kecerahan dan penyesuaian warna, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balon, modus mosaik, menambahkan teks, gambar gambar, cropping, filter, red eye removal, blooming

10 Februari 2010


In the present era, no doubt that the appearance is very important. One's appearance is not directly reflect their identity. Not that, we must use or look excessive. There are many of us who think that the all-luxury-looking show their identity was so great. Though not as well, look good and decent it reflect who she is good, too. On the other hand, we also have to believe in ourselves with our appearance. If we just are not confident with our appearance, how about a look at our performance? Therefore, we should have to believe in ourselves.

Another thing that is not less important is comfort. Not agree? Any item used if convenient, we will be happy to wear it. Different again if not comfortable, we will rarely use it, or maybe throw it away. So, if you all want to buy something prioritizing comfort. One of the things that keep our appearance is the shoes. Of course we all will find comfortable shoes, cool, elegant and nice. It can be found in hush puppies shoes and for those of you who want to look for boots, please visit Jessica Simpson Clancey Boots. Guaranteed not to lose good and cool.

Do not forget, for those of you who want to protect your skin from the heat and cold, but do not forget appearance. This jacket is one you should buy. Please visit cropped denim jacket . Whatever your choices, prioritizing convenience and do not forget to be confident with your appearance. Thank you.